marți, 29 mai 2012

Homework for XI A--deadline June 5th 2012

Write a composition where you argue on the theme :"What does Art mean to you"? Do not write more than 200 words (your composition should contain 150-200 words). Please, post your homework as comments to this assignment in due time.
Thank you!

vineri, 18 mai 2012

Homework for IX A--deadline May 31th 2012

Remember we discussed the Shakespearean sonnets in class? Your homework is to post information about sonnets in general (general knowledge, stanzas, themes, types etc), whatever you can find on the internet, so that we can sort the information and draw a conclusion about them.
Post your homework as answers to this post by the date mentioned in the title.
Thank you!

marți, 8 mai 2012


Hope everything is OK now and you can post comments, as you did before. If not, let me know about this! Thank You!

duminică, 6 mai 2012

Homework for IX B--deadline 12th of May 2012

Sorry for posting your homework later than I promised..hope you can forgive me:)
Please write a composition about how you use your free time. Describe your hobbies, activities and say why you like them so much. Give examples and do not write more than 250 words.
Take into consideration the fact that your composition has to contain at least three paragraphs.
Submit your homework as answers to this post.
Thank you!

joi, 3 mai 2012


From now on, this blog is officially closed from the point of view of anonymous comments, or those comming from outside our community. This means that you have to register (below the "Our community" button) so that you can post comments and submit homework. Thank you!

Homework for XA--deadline 10th of May 2012

Write a composition discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet. Do not write more than 250 words. Post your writings as comments to this post. Thank you!