marți, 20 martie 2012

Present Perfect--exercices

1.Write the correct form of the Present Perfect Simple to complete these sentences. Scrieţi forma corectă a prezentului perfect simplu pentru a completa propoziţiile următoare:
Ex.   a. ….to Rome?(you ever be)  Have you ever been to Rome?
b. …. this film before(I see)  I’ve seen this film before.
c.………………………………in an office(she never work) d.…………………on an aeroplane (I never be) e.……………… Germany?(he ever be) f.………………………my parents?(you meet g.…………………in the theatre?(you ever work) h.………………………to all the capital cities of Europe(she be) i.………………………..this book(I read) j.………………..that new film about aliens? (they see) k.………………...abroad(we never be).
2. Choose for, or since. Alegeţi for sau since:
Ex. a. I’ve worked here for/since six years.
b.I lived here for /since three months. c.I’ve worked in the factory for / since 1990. d. He’s been abroad for / since two years. e.I studied Chinese for / since twelve years. f. I’ve known her for / since we were children. g.I’ve lived here for / since my sister was born. h.We’ve been in Paris for / since we were married. i. I’ve known them for / since ages. j. We practised for / since months.
3. Write the verbs in the Present Perfect Continuous. Daţi forma de present perfect continuu a verbelor din următoarele propoziţii:
ex. a. “What (you do today)?” “I (play) tennis”
“What have you been doing today?” “I’ve been playing tennis”
b. How long (you study) English?.....................................................................................................
c. Oh, David! I (look) for you!...........................................................................................................
d. Christina (live) here for twenty years……………………………………………………………
e. I’m tired; we (walk) all day long…………………………………………………………………
f. How long (you learn) to drive?.......................................................................................................
g. I (wait) here for hours……………………………………………………………………………
h. She’s nervous because she (work) too hard……………………………………………………
i. They (watch) the football match since three o’clock…………………………………………
j. I’m hungry; I (travel) for hours…………………………………………………………………
k. The children look exhausted; what they (do)?...............................................................................
4. Write the dialogue putting the verbs into the Present Perfect simple or Continuous. Scrieţi dialogul punând verbele la prezentul perfect simplu sau continuu:
Ex. “I (do) such a thing in my life!” “Well, I (do) it before. It’s not a big thing. Let me show you how!”
“I haven’t done such a thing in my life” “Well, I have done it before. It’s not a big thing. Let me show you how.”
Mary: It (be) a busy morning, hasn’t it?
Sally: Yes, you look exhausted. What (you do)?
M: I (not stop) all morning. I (write letters), (answer) the phone, (do) the filing….
S: It (be) the same for me. My phone (ring) all morning, I (type) a lot of letters, and I (interview) five persons for a secretary position.
M: Me, too. And I also (send) off some application forms to people who want them. This job seems to be very much in demand.
S: Yes, I (notice) that. Five people (phoned) at the office to ask for information about it.
M What (you tell) them?
S: That the job is no longer available. What else could I do? We (have) too many interviews up to now, and there are some more people scheduled for tomorrow.
M: I think I know what you mean… By the way, (you) read this application form?
S: Oh, yes, I (already read) it, Not very interesting, is it?
5. Translate into English, using one of the following tenses: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous. Traduceţi în engleză, folosind unul dintre timpurile următoare: prezent simplu, prezent continuu, prezent perfect simplu, prezent perfect continuu:
De obicei iau micul dejun la ora şapte, dar  fratelui meu nu-i place să se trezească aşa de devreme…………………………………………………………………………………………….
Ce faci acolo? ……………………………………………………………………………Mănâncă de o oră………………………………………………………………………. Am auzit că a fost concediat………………………………………………….. De atunci nu am mai avut nici o veste de la el……………………………………………………………………………………. Te caut de două ore; unde ai fost ?................................................................................................................ Avionul decolează la ora 10………………………………………………………. De când locuieşti aici ?................................................................................................................De când eşti aici?......................................................................................................................... Ce-ai făcut până acum?.................................................................................................................................................

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